Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Damp, Drizzly November"

 "Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul"—Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
The month of November has always been a happy time for me.  There is my birthday, which is always special, and there is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, and there is plenty of football.  The days are becoming cooler but the sun still shines.
I am beginning to understand what Herman Melville spoke of in this introduction to Moby Dick, the oppressive feeling of gloom.  Classes are going slower, and the schedule of the semester is starting to wear on the students.  Energy and motivation and time are running out and soon the semester will come to a close.  It is more than just the weighing down of an abundance of schoolwork that needs to be finished before the close though.
Times are changing and next semester will be different, fresh, and sparkling new.  For now though, there is a "damp, drizzly November in my soul" and I long for things I cannot have.  I feel lost and lonely and just gloomy.  I ache for Thanksgiving and Christmas, for the warmth.  Distances are becoming farther.
Soon enough November will end, won't it?

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